Friday, April 6, 2012

Rise Up! Grand Easter Feast 2012 with Bo Sanchez at the SMX Convention Center on April 8, 2012

"Wake Up, O Sleeper, Rise from the Dead and Christ will Shine on You" - Ephesians 5:14

Come celebrate Christ's resurrection and the gift of eternal life by attending...

Rise Up!
Grand Easter Feast 2012

with Holy Mass by Bishop Jesse Mercado
Special Entertainment by the Akafellas
Worship by Kerygma 5
Inspirational Talk by Bo Sanchez

SMX Convention Center
April 8, 2012 (Easter Sunday)
8:00 AM - 12:00 NN

Everybody Rise and Sing...

Open to all and Admission is FREE!

See you there if you'll attend =)

Monday, April 2, 2012

Bo Sanchez's Live-Out Holy Week Retreat 2012 at Valle Verde Country Club, Pasig City from April 5 - 7, 2012

I'm going to attend this with my boyfriend Joey Nespral. Come and join us! Let's have a meaningful Holy Week =)

Bo Sanchez's Live-Out Holy Week Retreat 2012

Total! The Secret of Big Returns
Valle Verde Country Club (beside Ultra), Pasig City
April 5 (Holy Thursday) - April 7 (Holy Saturday), 2012
8:30 AM - 12:00 NN

Retreat Investment Fee: P999

For more info and to get your tickets, please email:
No ticket, No entry (even kids)

"Nothing is too small for God. Jesus used five pieces of bread to feed the multitudes. God's message to us: Small is not small when you give it to a big God. So make a decision to give your ALL to God today, no matter how small it is. When you do this, I assure you: You'll receive BIG RETURNS in every area of your life. And I know that in our Holy Week Retreat, something powerful will happen in your life."

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