Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Bo Sanchez's Live Out Holy Week Retreat: "Reinvent" at the PICC on Maundy Thursday & Good Friday (April 17 & 18, 2014)

How will you spend your Holy Week? As for me, I will be attending this...  

Bo Sanchez's Live-Out Holy Week Retreat 2014
Reinvent: When You're Down to Nothing, God is up to Something

Philippine International Convention Center (PICC)

April 17 & 18, 2014 (Maundy Thursday & Good Friday)
8:00 AM - 12:00 NN

You can register at:

Retreat Investment:

P1,497 per person (Regular Rate)

P1,997 per person (Donor VIP)
Front row seats, autographed copy of Brother Bo's latest book, "How to Deal with Difficult People"

P2,997 per person (Benefactor VIP)

Front row seats, autographed copy of Brother Bo's latest book, "How to Deal with Difficult People," complete set of videos of all the Reinvent 2014 talks, plus morning snacks at the Benefactors' Lounge

I go to this retreat every year. I remember when I attended this last 2010 (back then it was held in Tagaytay), I approached Brother Bo Sanchez during one of the snack breaks. Mustering some courage I told him, "You know what Brother Bo? Someday, I'm going to become a fantastic author and speaker like you."

Instead of bursting out into laughter, he solemnly looked at me and replied, "Your dream will come true." He repeated it again, this time touching my shoulder, "Your dream will come true."

Who among you believes this... even if just one person believes in you and your dream, your dream will come true... =)

Come true it did because two years after that, I was able to write and publish a book titled, "Facebook Phenomenon" (a fun and easy way to learn Facebook marketing) with Filipino-Aussie co-author and business strategist, Jay McLean.

Of course, I'm far from being a fantastic author yet, but having a book under your belt is a start =)

Thank you so much Brother Bo! You have blessed me so much!

If you have nothing planned to do this Holy Week, I suggest that you attend this. Who knows? Your dream might also come true =)

Have a blessed and meaningful Lenten season everyone!

P.S. If you would like a copy of my book, "Facebook Phenomenon," you can get in touch with me:

Hazel Pascual
Landline: (63-2)299-0401
Globe: (+63)915-5322409
Smart: (+63)908-3768088
Sun: (+63)943-7969670

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Singles Lenten Recollection at San Carlos Seminary, Guadalupe on March 29, 2014

Calling all singles...

Do you want to have a more meaningful Lenten season?

Let's attend...

Singles Lenten Recollection

Layforce Chapel San Carlos Seminary, Guadalupe (along EDSA), Makati City

Speakers are:

Brother Arun Gogna and Father Dave Concepcion

March 29, 2014 (Saturday)
2:00 PM to 6:00 PM

Fee: P100 only

For inquiries, you may call or text:

Beng (+63)922-8586437 or (+63)917-8587953

Myee (+63)922-8268121 or (+63)917-5460310

I'm attending this recollection with my boyfriend Joey. See you there!

May we all have a blessed Lenten season =)

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