Sunday, July 3, 2011

Donate a Brick (P10 Each) to Help He Cares Foundation to Build a Home for Street Kids in Manila

"For I was in need of food, and you gave it to me; I was in need of drink, and you quenched my thirst; I was wandering, and you took me in..." - Matthew 25:35

In Manila, 70,000 children are living on the streets as pickpockets, beggars, drug abusers, child prostitutes and abandoned.

He Cares Mission is a foundation catering to the needs of street children in Manila. Currently, it provides assistance to 600 children. The Foundation is raising funds to put up a two-storey building, which will serve as a permanent shelter for 100 homeless street children. He Cares Mission needs only 850,000 bricks to create a home for those children. The Foundation is also looking for manpower to build the center.

Most of the time, we just look at the misery around us and feel helpless not knowing how we can help. Today, He Cares Mission brings you the opportunity to make a big difference in the life of a few children.

All they ask...

Donate One Brick or More (P10 Each)
Suggest to your friends... hopefully they will do the same =)

You may contact Brother Joe Dean Sola or Sister Ardis Sola or Brother Daryl Tamon
Telephone Numbers: (63-2)928-8910 or 453-0100


Websites: and

He Cares Mission (Street Children Caring Center)
#9 Mines Street, Barangay Vasra, Project 6
Quezon City

Bank Information:
He Cares Mission
BPI Bank, Congressional Avenue branch, Quezon City
Account Number: 1953-1032-37

You can also donate online via Paypal, just log-on to and follow the link.

Donate a brick and help us build a home for them =)

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